

smoke detector

Why do enterprises require a professional fire safety installation?

While business owners are not legally bound to install fire prevention devices on their premises, the law states that they must conduct a fire safety risk assessment on site. This legislation is designed to ensure those in charge of properties understand their responsibility is to protect not just the buildings they own and their contents from fire but also the lives of people who use them.

After such an audit, it is often necessary for certain devices, such as alarm systems and smoke detectors, to be installed. Many companies are under the misconception that fire safety devices can be fitted on their properties by either themselves or an unqualified professional. In the next sections, we’ll discuss why this work should only be carried out by a professional electrical engineer.

Expert smoke detector installations

Most people have a battery-powered smoke detector in their homes. However, these easily installed options present a significant risk. If its batteries run out, a detection device will be unable to raise an effective alarm. A safer way to use these solutions is to hardwire them into a property’s electrical supply. This ensures that when smoke is present, the device can be counted on.

Complex systems for safety

Smoke detectors are suitable for small sites, but large-scale properties require more complicated systems, best handled by a certified engineer. Smoke detectors across the site report back to a dedicated alarm system that ensures all on-site know when to act or evacuate.

Fire alarm systems installed by electricians have multiple benefits. They can identify which zone fire is taking place in and can even alert local fire services of a blaze when a building isn’t in use. This can enable them to respond rapidly, stopping fires from causing damage.

Experts in fire prevention device installation

At Brooktech Maintenance, our certified electricians are fully qualified to fit an extensive range of fire and security alarms and fire safety devices and systems on your site, throughout Greater Manchester. Whether you are looking for smoke detection devices for a small site or a complete fire alarm system for a larger location, you can rely on our specialist team. Contact us now for advice and a free quotation to safeguard your premises from fire.

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