

electrical sockets

What is pat testing?

PAT testing is essential for any company with electrical equipment as it mitigates the risk of electrical injury and other workplace incidents. But what does it actually mean, and why do we need it? In this article, we’re going to learn what PAT testing is and who carries out this type of testing.

What does PAT testing stand for?

PAT stands for Portable Appliance Testing. It is the process of assessing electrical appliances to ensure they operate as intended. It’s a test that checks for problems both visually and through electronic testing.

When should PAT testing be carried out?

The rules and regulations surrounding PAT testing outline that the tests should be conducted regularly, which gives a good degree of flexibility in terms of how often you need to carry it out. With that said, a general rule is that it should occur at least once every two years.

This isn’t always feasible, as there are usually limiting factors at play which limit how often you can perform PAT tests. These include:

• Where the equipment is found

• The type of equipment and how often it is used

• The abilities of the equipment users

• Any existing testing records

• Whether the equipment is owned or rented

What does a PAT test include?

A PAT test includes the following:

• Test all electrical equipment. This includes, but is not limited to, power tools and lighting devices.

• Test all electrical circuits, outlets and switches for correct polarity and phase rotation as well as earth continuity. This will ensure that your circuit works safely and effectively with any appliances plugged into it.

• Test all electrical sockets, fittings and accessories to make sure they’re safe for use by ensuring they meet current building regulations (BS7671).

Who can carry out PAT testing?

In order for a company to carry out PAT testing, the person carrying out the test must be trained in the use of PAT testing equipment. There are many organisations that provide training on PAT testing, including the Chamber Of Commerce and Industry (COCI), City & Guilds and the Electrical Contractors Association (ECA).

PAT testing in Stockport or Manchester

The electrical equipment in your business needs to be tested regularly. PAT testing is an essential part of electrical safety and it should be carried out by a qualified person. If you don’t have time to do this yourself, or would like the assistance of a professional, then contact us today and at Brooktech Maintenance.

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