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What checks do landlords need to complete to apply for the Homes for Ukraine scheme?

The scale of the problem of people being displaced by the war in Ukraine is enormous. Millions are on the move to escape the conflict with Russia and landlords in the UK are being asked to help. But those throwing their doors open to accommodate refugees could face problems if they are not fully prepared.

What is the Homes for Ukraine scheme?

The scheme means that sponsors can give a home or a spare room to Ukrainian refugees for six months or longer, even if they have no personal ties. In return, the government will pay the property owner or renter £350 a month. This is not classed as rent but as a ‘thank you’ payment.

The Homes for Ukraine initiative opened on 18th March. Anyone who can demonstrate that they were a Ukrainian national on January 1st 2022 can apply to come to the UK to be accommodated by their sponsor.

What sort of homes are needed for Ukrainian refugees?

The number of people fleeing war-torn Ukraine means that all manner of homes are needed. The type of property required will depend on how many people will live there. This will range from single rooms to self-contained homes.

Landlords who consider that they have a property that could meet the needs of Ukrainian refugees can expect an inspection of its suitability and safety. That may require work to meet fire and health and safety legislation.

What checks will be required to accommodate refugees?

You will need to consider a number of factors before registering an interest in the Homes for Ukraine scheme. If you have a mortgage on the property you will need to check with the provider to ensure accommodating a refugee does not breach the terms of the agreement. The same is true for home insurance. Applicants will also be subject to a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Services) check.

You will also need to be aware that if accommodating refugees will mean that the property houses three or more total occupiers (including children) who are not all related then this will likely become an HMO (House in Multiple Occupation) and be subject to licensing requirements with the relevant local council.

Anyone – landlords or individuals – will also need to demonstrate certain certificates which will be checked by local authority officials. Up to date electrical and gas safety certificates will be required.

Contact Brooktech today

If you live in Manchester or Greater Manchester and are considering applying to house a refugee, Brooktech can ensure you have gas and electrical checks updated in a timely fashion to prevent delays. Contact us today.

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