

EV Charging points with green sign

How to protect investment in electric vehicle charging points

Many UK workplaces have either installed electric vehicle charging technology or are planning to.

Businesses are under pressure to switch their fleets – large or small – to electric vehicles, and of course, they will increasingly have staff and visitors who need access to EV charging stations.

Global predictions suggest by 2025, one in every five new cars will be electric and by 2030 that will have risen to two in five. By 2035, the aim is to have 100% of all new cars sold in Europe powered by electricity.

Despite this trend, the availability of public charging stations is still relatively low, leaving businesses with little choice about capital investment in expensive EV charging stations on their sites.

Here are insights on protecting commercial EV charging points.

Are grants available?

The first thing to keep in mind is that you may be eligible for help in buying this equipment. There are grants available to support the ‘green industrial revolution’ in the UK.

The Office of Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) issues information on the topic, including grant schemes for electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

The right site for an electric vehicle charging points

It’s worth noting the importance of installing EV charging stations correctly too, to ensure they are time efficient, and well managed from an H&S and damage control perspective.

You must balance making them easy to spot and use swiftly, with the need to maintain site safety. So, for example, using them can’t create a blocking hazard or risk to pedestrians on site. Also, EV technology should not be constantly at risk due to vehicles manoeuvring nearby or approaching at speed.

Protective barriers

Some of the best ways to protect your investment are the simplest, such as low-cost floor graphics to indicate EV charging zones. Good signposting and flexible delineator products can also make your charging area more visible. This is valuable for both users and other drivers who need to avoid hitting it!

Planned maintenance for EV charging points

When budgeting for commercial EV charging stations, it is vital to factor in the costs of planned maintenance.

Like any sustainability measure involving electrical and mechanical services, your equipment can only function properly if it is regularly checked, optimised and fixed. That means finding experts in servicing and repairing electric vehicle charging points.

Contact the team at Brooktech so you have professionals ‘in charge’ of your EV charging station efficiency and repairs.

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