

Commercial refrigeration

Planned preventative maintenance can save you money – here’s how

It’s a given that money needs to be invested in gas, heating, plumbing and electrical systems to keep them working efficiently. Many people and businesses fall into the trap of simply waiting for something to break before investing in its repair, but this can be costly.

Planned maintenance can actually save you considerable amounts of money, as well as make life easier.

What is it?

Planned maintenance is, quite simply, a pre-determined maintenance program for a specific set of systems or equipment. It can simply cover commercial refrigerators, for example, or it can cover all the white goods, air conditioning, plumbing, heating, and electrical systems in your property. It’s up to you.

How does it save money

Fixing broken equipment and systems can be expensive – when failures occur, it’s very likely that even further damage will be caused in the process. Spotting problems early can allow potential issues to be identified and rectified before they start presenting potentially serious and even dangerous problems.

Then there’s the issue of downtime. When you run a commercial venture, your business staying open depends on your systems and equipment working reliably. If your business has to close for a day unexpectedly because your commercial refrigeration or your electrical systems have developed faults, it’ll be costly.

A monthly subscription to a preventative maintenance program can give you a more granular view of the condition of your systems and your equipment. This means it’s easier for you to manage your budget and keep your systems working as reliably as possible. Downtime, if necessary, can be planned in advance for minimal intrusion.

How do you start?

Getting a Planned Preventative Maintenance contract is easy. At Brooktech Maintenance, we’re specialists in providing such services to our commercial clients; we can develop a tailored service specifically designed to meet your requirements, in line with your budget and the way your business operates.

If you would like to learn more about Planned Preventative Maintenance, how it can help your business save money, and to get your service contract in place, contact the specialist team at Brooktech Maintenance today.


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